Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My cell number

I forgot to post my cell phone number. It is (drum roll, please):

(011-34) 671 92 39 87

I know it´s a lot of numbers but that is exactly how you dial it from the USA. I would love to have phone calls from anyone and everyone so feel free to call anytime.

Also, you can send me texts at this number. My sisters text me all the time so I know it works. I have no idea what it costs but it is possible.

Call me, call me, call me!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Season, decided to check and see how your adventures were going. Glad to hear you wont be living in a van down by the river...unless your into that sort of stuff. Not too much has been going on over here, so your not missing out...yet. Looks like we did make the softball playoffs, but will miss not having you there. I hope all is well with you and you get settled in soon. Sounds like your quite busy, which is probably good to start off. Teach them lots of naughty slang! stay well and Bear sends lots of sloppy kisses...and of course some red lipstick. Ret

Unknown said...

God Dammnit Rhett! Your instead of You're? Come on! And to think you have a Master's degree...