Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just a few photos....

...that I stole from Lance. Thank you!!

The Shannon River in Dublin, Ireland

Trinity College, Dublin

The wind combs (and their affects) in Donostia

Alicia and me on her birthday


Yup...the name speaks for itself.

Hopefully I'll get some of my photos uploaded soon...then I can stop stealing them from others!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I have been in the USA for a little more than a month now and I am finally starting to readjust to life here. The first time I returned from Spain I immediately fell right back into American life. I felt like I had lived a crazy Basque dream. Everything was so easy. No jet-lag. Cultural things were so familiar. I picked right back up with my life and moved on. It was only about 7 months later that I felt the affects from my year abroad.

This time around, everything has been a little more different. I haven't been able to adjust back so easily. Maybe it's because I know I am going back. Probably because I wish I was still there. But little by little I am waking up from my crazy Basque dream and realizing that I am in the USA...at least for another 2 months.

I am working at the golf course here in Battle Mountain as a bartender. Most of my customers are male and in their 40s. I have to smile alot and be cute and they love me. It's by far the easiest job I have ever done. But I enjoy it. I hear all the town gossip and then try to stay as far away as possible from it.

It's nice to be able to interact with adults who are not family members and have conversations without my 2 year old nephew. But most of all I miss my friends. I don't have any friends here in Battle Mountain. After I graduated from High School I tried to distance myself from most people I knew my entire life. And the ones I chose to keep in my life have all moved away from this town. So I hang out with my family...alot.

I miss being able to call a friend and meet for a drink. Or going for a walk (now I take walks with my dog and my Ipod). I just miss having interaction with a large range of people. I know I have lots of friends but they are all somewhere else. I suppose you could say I am lonely.

In 9 days I am going to Reno to escape my family and engage in some time with my dearly missed friends. I can't wait. Hopefully my 3 days there will be filled with delicious food, lots of alcohol and amazing laughs. Next Sunday can't come soon enough.

So if you are a friend of mine and will be in Reno next week, let me know and we can have some fun. I promise it will be worth it!