Sunday, September 30, 2007

I have the worst jet-lag of my entire life. My body has never been this screwed up before. For example, last night I went to bed at 11:00 and was tired and slept for maybe 30 minutes and then woke up completely awake like I had just slept for 8 hours. This has happened since I arrived here with the exception of the first night. And that was only because I was completely exhausted. Every night I lay awake until about 3:30 or 4:00 am and then fall asleep only to have to wake up a couple hours later and be even more tired than I was before. And my stomach is still on U.S. time. I eat dinner every night and then go to bed and I am laying awake starving. Like, my stomach is growling...and loud. And when you are staying in a hostel I´m sure it´s really annoying to everyone sleeping around you. And during the day I am not hungry at all. I don`t have an appetite at all during the day so I hardly eat anything and then at night I am famished. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get over this jet-lag, please send them my way because I don´t think I can continue like this for much more.

More apartment hunting this morning and then I am going to my friend´s house to stay there until I find a place to live. We have some good leads and are going to go check them out this morning.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I´ll write more soon. Besos.


Unknown said...

one way to get over jet-lag is booze, and lots of it. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you got there safe! I hope you have a wonderful time and know you will be missed.

Unknown said...

I agree with Dr. Jones. If you drink until you pass out, then you'll have no choice but to sleep. It also works with drinking until you throw up in order to fix your food issue. I'd recommend repeating this pattern daily and nightly until you can't go to sleep without a drink and then the first thing you think of in the morning is, yes, you guessed it: a drink.