Sunday, August 5, 2007

So I am already bad at this blogging thing. It's been almost a month since I last wrote anything on here and I suppose it's time for an up-date. I have a feeling this might be a bit like me writing in a journal...good idea in theory but I somehow always find something else to do.

Anyways, I finally went to San Francisco to apply for my visa. My mom accompanied me for the ride. The process was surprisingly smooth...well at least smoother than the last time. It only took an hour and a half this visit, as opposed to nine and a half hours a couple years ago. I had all the right documents but two of them were only partially complete. My arrest record needed to be certified with the Secretary of State and my doctor's letter had to be from a M.D., not a Nurse Practitioner. So I spent all of this past week working to get these documents corrected so that I can send them off. Hopefully I will be able to send them to SF sometime this week!

I'm also in the process of packing and cleaning up my house trying to get ready for the big move. Krystal moved out this weekend and now it's alot easier to get things packed and squared away. I don't have much motivation and I know I'll be doing it all at the last minute because I hate packing anyways.

Krystal and I are also going to have a yard/moving sale on Saturday, August 18. I want to extend the invitation to anyone that has stuff they would like to sell. Bring it on over and make your trash someone else's treasure. Or come over just to hang out and have a drink. Yard sales are always interesting. Let me know if you need more info.

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