Thursday, December 11, 2008

I want to go to sleep tonight and wake up sometime in mid-January. I have a million things to do and not a million minutes in which to do them. I am becoming frustrated with others around me and even more frustrated with myself for becoming frustrated with other people. It´s a vicious circle.

I need a vacation.

I need some time to breathe.

I know Christmas time is always busy. Whether I am in the USA or Spain I always find myself with too much to do and not enough time to do it in.

Next week is the last week of classes and then it will be Christmas vacation. As long as I can make it through next week, I should be fine. Well, I hope so anyways...

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SeeZee, don'r get frustrated, all is well in the universe. Your nephew sends his love. I am going to guess, that it would be Endica sitting behind you at the feast. first time I have seen a photo. You have such a happy smile on your face, very proud of your cooking skills I guess, or maybe the vino. Love you bunches, Dad